What is on the dark web – Use It At Your...
The Dark Web is a very mysterious place and very difficult to access…Nah - just kidding! Today’s media outlets are perhaps giving that impression,...
PwnTillDawn Mexico 2019
On the 6th of April 2019, wizlynx group hosted its first computer hacking competition, PwnTillDawn in Mexico City. Part capture the flag...
What is Prepending and Pretexting in Cybersecurity?
Understanding Prepending and Pretexting Tactics
Prepending involves adding deceptive elements to make content appear safe, while pretexting uses fabricated scenarios to manipulate trust. At wizlynx group, we specialize in defending against these tactics, offering tailored cybersecurity services to empower organizations against evolving cyber threats.
Secure web applications in 5 simple steps?
According to the latest Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report, cyber-attacks are on the rise. The cat-and-mouse game between hackers and defenders of corporate web...
Turning Point – Is Your Company Safe?
In today’s world, more and more companies are relying on cheap security services, lured by the low prices offered to them. In parallel with...
What is Shimming in Cyber Security: Understanding, Defending, and Partnering for...
Imagine you're tasked with safeguarding your company's sensitive data and ensuring the integrity of its systems. One day, you receive alarming news:...
The Anatomy of Cyber Extortion: Unmasking its Nitty-Gritty Details
Cyber extortion it's a concerning practice that involves cybercriminals resorting to blackmail. Moreover, this criminal activity has become increasingly prevalent in recent...
Understanding Pretexting in Cybersecurity: How to Protect Your Organization
Navigating the world of cyber threats can feel overwhelming, especially when the dangers aren’t just about hacking into systems but manipulating people....
2024 Top Cyber Security Threats and Solutions
As we embrace digitalization, organizations have become more vulnerable to cybercrime. Not only are businesses at risk but governments and individuals are...
Are smart fridges & Appliances a security risk?
The internet has been invented for a while now. It connected people, images, recording, games, books, and commerce. By people, for people. With the...